Wealth Management Resources Directory
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Wealth Management Resources Directory

A Directory of Wealth Management professionals who can assist Dinar Daddy's Tibits subscribers in managing their Iraqi Dinar investment.

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Wealth Management Resources Directory Sign-Up Stats

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Dinar Daddy's Tidbits Blog has a sign up form for his viewers that want to utilize the services offered in the Wealth Management Directory.

(A) At the end of the first week (4/27 - 5/4) 288 people had signed up.

IQD Inventory:

58 - Prefer to Keep Private
14 - Over 20 Mil
72 - Less than 5 Mil
28 - 5 - 10 Mil
17 - 10 - 20 Mil
148 - Not Captured (The IQD inventory level field was added after two days)

Interest Level:

17 - Undecided
124 - Medium: Send Info
4 - Low: Just Browsing
113 - High: Want More Info Now
59 - Extreme: Contact Me Now

Contact Timing:
32 - Undecided: Send Info
153 - Soon: Pre-RV Contact
1 - Never: Just Curious
55 - Later: Post-RV Contact
86 - Immediate: Contact Me Now


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