Wealth Management Resources Directory
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Wealth Management Resources Directory

A Directory of Wealth Management professionals who can assist Dinar Daddy's Tibits subscribers in managing their Iraqi Dinar investment.

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Wealth Management Resources Directory Information

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The Wealth Management Resources Directory is organized by state:

(1) States are listed in the order of their viewer traffic starting with the highest at the top. (See Visitor Metrics)

(2) Each Wealth Management Professional, (which includes individuals, partnerships, company's. etc) who can provide services in one or more of the disciplines of Tax Planning, Retirement Planning,Charitable Planning, Asset Management, Asset Protection, Estate Planning or Other Related Services can place a directory listing (See #4) under the state(s) they are located in or desire to provide services in.

(3) Listings are placed by clicking on New Topic in the state(s) desired. Content, format and size is up to each Wealth Management Professional. Listings should be professional in nature and will be reviewed. The Administrator has the final say on the suitability of any submitted listings.

(4) There are two types of Wealth Management Directory listings available:

(a) A Standard Listing - free of charge;

(b) A Featured Listing - includes a standard listing, plus a featured listing announcements at the top of the Directory for one week, plus a promotional announcement in the Dinar Daddy Tidbits blog. Each promotional announcement is $150, a series of 3 promotional announcements can be obtained for $100 each, total = $300. If you are interested in a featured listing please contact Dinar Daddy at <dinardaddy@gmail.com> with "Featured Listing" in the subject line.

(5) There is also program for Nationwide Sponsors which includes a listing on the first page of the Directory, Global Announcements on each directory page, promotional announcements in the Dinar Daddy Tidbits Blog & Newsletter and Newsletter access to the Wealth Management Directory membership. If you are interested please contact Dinar Daddy at <dinardaddy@gmail.com> with "Nationwide Sponsor" in the subject line.

(6) If you have further interest in participating in Dinar Daddy's Tidbits Wealth Management Directory, please register as a member. If there are any questions please contact the Administrator through the private message system.


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