Wealth Management Resources Directory
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Wealth Management Resources Directory

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Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits Visitor Metrics!

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1Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits Visitor Metrics! Empty Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits Visitor Metrics! Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:52 pm




I just want you all to know I am very grateful to all of you and your trust in me and the information I provide here on Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits. A friend recently called my site, “The Drudge Report of the Dinar World”. I thought that was a very flattering compliment, as the Drudge Report has over 7 Million daily readers! Anyway, I felt I’d share with you who have visited my blog over the past month since I’ve returned my efforts to a free site, that asks for donations, places Ads (Dinar Trade), and sells “extra effort” products in the form of eBook and interview sales. Here are the numbers… very interesting eh? This should give you just an inkling how much the U.S. is invested in this. This investment will lift our country to new heights! C’mon guys… get er done! Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits Visitor Metrics! Icon_smile


Total Unique Visits: 265,000+

Total Page Views: 900,000+

Total Countries: 108

Total # of Unique Visitors: 33,000+

Average Daily Readership: 4,300+


Total Visits: 245,000+

State-By-State Stats

Texas: 40,000+

California: 25,000+

Florida: 20,000+

Arizona: 15,000+

Colorado, Ohio, Georgia, New York, Washington, Illinois, Utah: 8,000+

Tennessee, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, & Arkansas: 4,000+

Virginia, Alabama, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada: 3,000+

Kentucky, Idaho, Maryland, Mississippi, Kansas, Indiana, South Carolina, Oregon: 2,000+

Washington D.C., Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Alaska, Nebraska: 1,000+

Iowa, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Hawaii, Wyoming: 500+

South Dakota, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire: 100+

Delaware, West Virginia: 50+

Maine: 11


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